Harmonics of Nature

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Welcome to Harmonics Of Nature.
Here you will uncover profound insights into the interconnectedness of nature’s vibrant energy and order.


  • The earth goes round once a day
  • Which creates a gravitational field
  • This gravitational field generates harmonic Earth Tones
  • All things on this planet exist within these Earth Tones
  • These Earth Tones are generated according to sacred numbers of rotation and harmony
  • Dissonance is felt when we’re out of sync with these Earth Tones.
  • Modern musical tuning creates a dissonance with these Earth Tones


Here you can explore stunning insights into nature’s inner workings through our Cymatic gallery. “Cymatics” originates from the Greek word “kŷma,” meaning the study of waves.

The captivating images you see are created by John Stuart Reid, inventor of the CymaScope. John’s work captures the intricate patterns formed by sound vibrations in water, revealing nature’s hidden geometries.

Surprising Connections to Ancient Geometry

These Earth Tones align precisely with ancient principles of number, distance, angle, time, and wavelength.

Experiential Information

Through our relationship with music, nature, meditation and co-creation with our community; we are immersed in an ongoing exploration uncovering physical phenomena and delving deeper into the nature of reality.

We integrate our discoveries into practices like sound & energy healing, music production, yoga, physical alignment, kundalini yoga and meditation.


OK, we actually are meditating all day long! And in addition to the experiential pillar of our study and exploration, we are applying these frequencies to such essential and sentient practices as kundalini yoga and meditation.


We want to equip you with the knowledge to experience and appreciate the Harmonics Of Nature. Whether you’re interested in sounds, home furnishings, or applying this knowledge in areas like dance, meditation, or music production, we’re here to empower you.

We are amateurs:

The word amateur comes from the Latin, to Love. We Love what we do. We Love our Planet. We Love each other. But we also have to pay our bills. So, while we are all about spreading the word and empowering people like you to take this knowledge further, we are also available at a fee to speak, present, exhibit, explain, entertain and help furnish your home, your ears and your body with Nature’s harmonic beauty. And we are all about empowering you to do all the things we do – we are not greedy.

Spread the Word!

Use the knowledge here. Download it, copy it, reproduce it (except for the cymatics which we make money from). Spread this info across the planet like a nasty virus of Love!

– Positive vibes,
Harmonics of Nature

Recent Posts

How does the Vibration of the Planet affect you?

The new page on the site introduces the idea that Earth’s harmonic electro-magnetic field is created by its rotation at specific frequencies, rather than the other way around. Physicist Nassim Haramein suggests that considering “spin” can unify Einstein’s equation for both big and sub-atomic energy. Exploring these frequencies may unlock new understandings of physics.

Cymatic Images of Nature’s Harmonic Building-Blocks

John Stuart Reid, inventor of the CymaScope, reveals stunning images of Earth Harmonic Series frequencies, expressing they deserve global exhibition. Reid emphasizes the exceptional geometries and richness in detail, acquired through his years of sound imaging. A traveling exhibition is planned to share the visual beauty and fundamental building blocks of our physical world.

Earth Frequency Player

A new online player was released today, allowing interactive exploration of Earth’s harmonic tones. This player enables users to engage with the tones and understand their impact. The tones are also available on SoundCloud for meditation, music, and well-being activities. Explore the player at harmonics_of_nature.com/frequency-tree and the SoundCloud playlist at on.soundcloud.com/e9hoA.

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